Hi all. I honestly didn't think anyone was reading this, but clearly the Pope of Pop's love is being felt judging by the messages I've been receiving asking when La Toya's Sexbox will be opened again, so to get the ball rolling I've uploaded one of my favourite tracks.
Could This Be Love We're Making is from Toy's 1991 opus No Relations and is one of the catchiest tracks on there. It sounds a bit dated now, but it's perfect for chucking into an early 90s playlist complete with trash rapper!
So if anyone is reading and wanting more Toyness, then leave a comment!
Could you please re-upload LaToya's Stock Aitken Waterman tracks?
It's great to see a blog on La Toya, I'm a fan, and she still have a lot of toy soldiers around the world, i'm french!
La Toya rocks!!
Could you please upload more remixes of Just Wanna Dance? I'm making a party CD :) La Toya rocks!
I'm a new Toy Soldier! I'm trying to glean everything of hers I can find. A lot of your links are dead unfortunately. You should keep posting.
Well I for one love your blog, who wouldn't? It's such a shame that Toy is so lazy, she could've had a big comeback if she'd tried and had a proper manager. She was doing so well. The Church forum has moved btw, so update you link my dear and drum us up some business :)))
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